Tip 1: Take a sunlight break. We know sunlight is important to well being, but we often forget about it at work. Research shows if you aren't fortunate enough to have a light-filled corner office, it might be helpful to take a walk. According to an article that appeared in the Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives, longer UVR exposure can help raise serotonin levels—this means a more positive mood and a “calm, yet focused mental outlook” (Mead). So if you’re feeling drowsy while answering those e-mails, it might be the right time for a quick sunlight break.

Tip 2: Switch out your office light bulbs
Another option for those window-less office spaces can be to switch out harsh overhead lighting in favor of bulbs that offer more natural, full spectrum light. While full spectrum lighting may not offer the same health benefits as, say, SAD lighting, many users report improved moods. This mood change may be because lighting that reflects a more natural environment may produce a positive sense of well being for some users. Notice in the images below that full spectrum light is a bit gentler and doesn't seem to have to "glare" of fluorescent bulb lighting.

Tip 3: Schedule time for phone tag. It’s easy to spend a day returning phone messages, only to look up at 5 o'clock and wonder where the time went! Avoid phone tag time drain by allotting an hour or two specifically for this purpose. For example, you might designate 2-4 p.m. as phone call catch-up time; you can even leave a voicemail greeting on your office phone, telling callers you’ll be responding to voicemails during that time. This can free your day to accomplish all of your other tasks.

Tip 4: Pack that sweater.
According to Susan Davis' NPR article, temperature in your office affects productivity, especially for some women. In a German work productivity study, 543 college students were put in a room to take tests. Temperatures ranged from as low as 61 degrees to 91 degrees. The study showed that as the temperature went up, women did better on math and verbal tests, and men did worse (Davis). We’re beginning to understand that many cold office spaces can adversely affect productivity, so while it may not be possible to bump up the thermostat for the entire office, packing a sweater or blanket may be the best thing you do this week.

Tip 5: Add a fresh, motivational photo.
What inspires you to achieve your goals? Family? Ambition? Passion? A specific goal of owning a cattle ranch in Montana? Whatever it is, post a representative image, in your line of sight, that will spark inspiration every day. If you already have a few photos, add a fresh one this week.

We hope our 5 tips will inspire you this week!
References: Davis, Susan. “Study Shows Freezing Office Temperatures Affect Women's Productivity”. NPR. 26 May, 2019. https://www.npr.org/2019/05/26/727108363/how-office-temperature-affects-cognitive-performance
Mead, Nathaniel M. “Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health”. Environmental Health Perspective. 2008 May; 116 (5): A197.
If you need assistance to freshen your office space, give us a call at 832-539-2240 or check out cubicleparts.com so we can help you get on with business.